суббота, 1 октября 2011 г.

get cat odors out of carpet::Previous tenants had a cat and i want to get one but dont want issues because of the previous cat get cat odors out of carpet

get cat odors out of carpet

get cat odors out of carpet

get cat odors out of carpet

get cat odors out of carpet::Previous tenants had a cat and i want to get one but dont want issues because of the previous cat.
Answer: cat urine is a very difficult problem.
Sprinkle it generously over the stained areas and scrub gently but thoroughly with a brush, so the borax goes all the way down into the carpet.
Leave it there for several hrs even all day and then vacuum it up.
You can repeat this process several times and the oder will improve each time.
It is excellent for urine odors, but will not help with the stain.
Leave it on for 30 minutes, then using a rag wet with water, remove the vinegar as much as possible.
You can vacuum up later to remove any residual salt.
Have you tried vinegar?
If you want to get something out no matter what, bleach.
If it has color.
Or get a new one.
It works well just follow the directions.
You may need to treat it a couple of times if the stain is that old.
The stain might be taken out if you have your rug professionally cleaned.
About the odor, try febreeze.
Try hydrogen peroxide, just dump some on the stain.
Just sprinkle it on like a carpet deodorizer.
It could take awhile to get the smell all the way out.
If the odor has gone all the way to the carpet padding you may have to apply more product.
Scrub it with any kind of cleaner, then sprinkle this powder on it.
get cat odors out of carpet::What do you do get cat odors out of carpet

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